Worried that your child is showing excess temper? Let us tell you that anger issues in a child are not
something uncommon. Anger is a natural emotion that children often find hard to tackle.
Expression of anger and aggression may vary from child to child. But some of the usual anger
explosions become visible when the child starts getting restless or begins to hit, push, throw toys,
pinch, yell or break things without reason. Here we’ll take a look at how you can cope with your
child’s anger and at the same time, find a solution to it.

Which are the possible causes of anger issues in a child?
Anger in children generally surfaces when they feel displeasure or discomfort in a certain situation.
Let’s explore some of the probable causes of anger issues in a little child.

Childhood tantrums are often triggered due to feelings of powerlessness. Not getting what he or
she wants can lead them to feel helpless and frustrated.

• Disappointment
Lack of fulfilment of high expectations can make children feel terribly deceived. And this sense of
disappointment can make them angry.

• Fear
Fear of losing something makes us adults angry. So, imagine how it can disturb the calm in
children! Your child may cry and kick and burst into a tantrum on their first day of school due to
the fear of losing you.

• Sadness
It’s a very thin line between sadness and anger. Say, your child’s good friend teases him/her and
says they won’t be friends anymore. Initially, your child will feel hurt and sad. But it will take only
some time before this sadness turns into anger due to the feeling of betrayal.

• Impatience
Children are not that patient. And impatience is often found to make a child restless and angry.
Make them participate in gaming and group activities to sow the seeds of patience.

• Lack of self-confidence
Low self-esteem may fuel up feelings of insecurity that can make a child disappointed and
dissatisfied with themselves. And not being confident enough to try something new can make
your child angry ultimately.

• Problems in conveying emotions
Children are often unable to communicate to others about their emotions and how they feel.
This makes them agitated that explodes into anger.

• Stirring of old wounds
Touching upon scars from past emotional wounds may obviously make you perturbed and hurt.
The same happens for a child but they are unaware of the reason behind the anger that rises in
them due to scarring of an old humiliation.

If you feel that you are not able to trace the problem that your child is facing, then it is essential to
book an appointment with an astrologer. You need to check whether the planetary positions on the
birth chart of your kid is giving him anger issues. If corrections need to be made or some best paths
need to be followed the astrological way, then make sure to get in touch with the best astrologer.

6 useful ways to help a child cope with anger
If your child is struggling with anger issues and angry outbursts that are disrupting the harmony of
their relationships and life quality, you must teach them how to deal with their feelings in a healthy
manner. Below are 6 major steps to help them cope with anger and aggression.

1) Talk to your child about feelings
Children tend to lash out or misbehave when they can’t understand their feelings or are unable
to verbalize them. Teach your child how to identify and label emotions, especially anger, so that
they can label their own emotions. This will help them develop a better understanding of
emotions which can cause them to channelize them in a better way than through tantrums.

2) Prepare a calm-down plan
Teach children what to do when they feel angry. Instead of throwing blocks at that time, they can
go to a room or room corner for calming. You must encourage them to color, read or take part in
other fun activities to feel better. You can also create a calm-down kit consisting of your child’s
favorite coloring books, crayons, delightful books, favorite toys, stickers and other loved items.
Ask them to get their calm-down kit when they’re upset to motivate them to take their own
responsibility for quietening down themselves.

3) Inculcate anger management skills
One of the most effective ways to help a child with anger problems is to teach them certain
anger management techniques. From taking deep breaths and quick walks to counting to 10 and
repeating a kind phrase, you can show them various methods to calm their mind and body when
upset. You can also coach them how to practice impulse control strategies and self-discipline so
that they can do it themselves to keep their anger in check.

4) Don’t surrender to tantrums
At times kids rely on angry outbursts to meet their needs when they find out that throwing a
temper tantrum will force their parents to give them a specific toy or other things they want.
Don’t give in to such outbursts to quiet them down as this will bring temporary results only. Also,
this can make their anger issues and aggression problems worse. Rather, you must focus on
connecting with your child properly so that they feel confident about their desires being fulfilled.

5) Be strict about consequences
Follow through with consequences each time your child breaks the rules due to anger. Constant
discipline is necessary to help your child understand that aggression or disrespectful conduct is
unacceptable. Take away privileges for a short time for effective disciplining of immense anger
or help them with the repair of a broken item if they have broken it out of sheer anger.

6) Keep them away from violent media
If your child exhibits aggressive behaviour, try not to expose them to violent TV shows or video
games as this may escalate the rage. Instead try to expose them to books, games and shows that
display healthy anger resolution skills.

If you feel that all your efforts are going in vain, then it is time to make the best move and talk to an
astrologer. With the pandemic going on, a top astrologer in Kolkata is offering consultation both
online and offline for the benefit of the clients. So wait no more, sort out the future of your child
before it becomes too late!

6 best ways to deal with and calm your child’s anger
Before we go into details, let us recommend that you must take your child to natural surroundings
and teach them gardening practices for anger control. Natural bliss and gardening skills are proved
to be highly effective solutions for calming down oneself. Instead of going for punishment, practice
these 6 techniques as well to deal smoothly with a child having anger issues.

1) Take breaks
Tell your child to take a break or timeout by staying in their own room for a while till they calm
down. Showing them breathing exercises or counting to 10 can help too in pacifying them.

2) Redirect anger
Children, like adults, feel an adrenaline rush when angry that gives them extra strength and
energy and makes their voice louder. To prevent this anger from turning into violence or
aggression, you must guide them to vent out anger on a punching bag or shout into a pillow to
channelize the adrenaline till the violence diminishes.

3) Alter your behaviour
If you have the habit of shouting when angry, your children will likely follow it. So, be alert not to
yell at or in front of your kids and use an even tone for any situation. If you’re calm in your
dealing with them even when they’re angry, they will notice your peaceful state and be inspired
to do the same. Also, they’ll be happy that you’re lending a listening ear to them instead of

4) Identify the triggers
Observe if there are particular situations or circumstances that are leading to your child’s angry
outbursts. If a pattern emerges, you can avoid these triggers and take preventative action. In
case of unavoidable triggers, you should talk freely with your child to help them understand the
cause for such a reaction to calm them down.

5) Soothe with touch
The best way to calm your child during angry outbursts is to hug them, cuddle them or hold their
hand. Touch can have a wonderful calming effect on children, especially when it’s from caring

6) Touch upon your child’s compassion
You can appeal to your child’s compassion by telling them how the outburst is affecting you or
how you’re sad to see them behave in that manner. Else you can tell them that you’re very tired
and need some rest so they can do something quietly.

Try to keep communication lines with your child open always and for further support and guidance,
you should consult a trusted astrologer. A knowledgeable astrologer can provide accurate reading
and advise to keep your child’s mood steady. This can be an excellent solution to learn when and
why your child is getting angry and discover fantastic ways for anger reduction, prevention and

Find the best astrologer in Kolkata.